dg100util is a software for extracting data from a GlobalSat DG100 GPS data logger and save it in GPX format. dg100util is written in Java and published under the GPL.
Download dg100util from its
project page
at sf.net.
dg100util requires the RXTX
See also: RXTX offers a comm API implementation for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
Copy the JAR-file to wherever you want.
java -cp <classpath> -Djava.library.path=<path to libs>
org.kaintoch.gps.globalsat.dg100.GlobalSatDg100 <parameters>
must contain the rxtx
and the dg100util-classes.
<path to libs>
must contain the path to all required libs,
notably the jrxtx
libraries (aka DLLs).
are described below.
At the moment it is required to execute
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 -parenb cs8 cread 115200 -cstopb
before starting dg100util. Replace /dev/ttyUSB0
with the
port to which your DG-100 is connected.
Parameters are written without leading minusses.
portName <port>
is the name of the port to which DG100 is connected,
e.g. under Windows it may be COM4
under Linux it may be /dev/ttyUSB0
cmd {read|delete|getId|setId|enterGMouse|getConfig|setConfig}
reads all data from DG100 and stores it in
GPX files. If the parameter splitInterval <interval in seconds>
is set it will be used to determine where to split into files.
deletes all data from DG100.
reads the current id from DG100.
sets a new id in DG100.
It requires the parameter id <new id>
sets DG100 into GPS mouse mode.
In this mode it permanently sends GPS data in NMEA format.
GPS mouse mode can be left by turning DG100 off and on.
reads the DG100's configuration
and saves it to a properties-file.
loads a configuration from a
properties-file and writes it to the DG100.
splitInterval <interval in seconds>
<interval in seconds>
a new GPX
file will be opened. An interval of 0 means don't split at all.
id <new id>
<new id>
is the new id to which DG100 will be set.
It is a decimal number of 8 digits.
portSpeed <speed>
is the number of bits to be transfered per
second, e.g. 8400, 9600 or 115200. 0 means don't change any
of the port settings.
portProtocol <DPS>
are digits which describe the protocol.
is the number of data-bits, usually 8.
is the parity, 0 means none, 1 odd, 2 even.
is the number of stop-bits, usually 1.
config <properties-file>
is the name of a properties-file
where dg100util saves the DG100's configuration.